Everything your Idea needs is in Janmay Bhatt

The technologies used by all MNC's is being used by AI powered Janmay Bhatt

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Used by 4+ of the particular best companies in the world.

Qualities that will enhance the outcome

Welcome to the AI powered Janmay Bhatt's quality arena where below 4 streaks are always maintained.


Guarantee by Human and not by AI, you can always trust Janmay Bhatt and as so he will

- Janmay Bhatt's Guarantee


Each and every component or function will be original except allowed by owner

- Janmay Bhatt's Guarantee



Database and Security

Database and security services ensure robust data management and safeguard sensitive information, guaranteeing integrity, confidentiality, and availability in digital environments.

API and Backend with Testing

Delivering seamless integration, our API and backend services, rigorously tested for optimal performance, ensure reliable and efficient functionality for a superior user experience.

Frontend and Design, UI/UX

Delivering seamless user experiences through innovative frontend design and UI/UX services to enhance user satisfaction and engagement.

Version Control and Hosting

Version control and hosting streamline collaboration by tracking changes and providing a centralized platform for storing and managing code.